5 Safety Tips for the Eagle Valley Trail
We all know what summer brings – perfect weather for riding on the EVT! In addition to cycling residents and strolling locals, you’ll also see visitors, skaters and pets. For those who might not be as familiar with Eagle Valley Trail safety, we’ve put together a list of the top things to keep in mind as you use the EVT this summer.
Move Over, Rover!
When you hear a bell chime or someone say “passing on your left” while on the trail, that’s your sign to shift to the right. And if you’ve got a pooch with you, make sure to keep them on a close leash, well away from cyclists who will be moving quickly. Keep at least one ear open and both eyes peeled!
Give Yourself a Brake
Before hitting the trail on your bike, check those brakes! You’ll need them for Vail Pass and for more congested areas of the trail. All trail users should also remember to take a break – especially visitors who aren’t used to high elevations. Stop to hydrate, catch your breath and, most of all, to enjoy the stunning Colorado scenery.
Exit to Text It
Phone blowing up? Pull over. Just remembered that you forgot to share that funny video? Step off the trail. There’s never a good enough reason to text on the trail – plus it’s so much easier to fix autocorrect when you’re not bouncing.
Enjoying Electric Bikes on the EVT
Through a county-wide partnership with Shift Bike, residents and visitors can easily rent an ebike to get around Eagle County on the EVT. While these handy cycles can help you get where you’re going, they’re not allowed on the EVT at the top of Vail Pass. Otherwise, the EVT is your oyster!
Photo courtesy of the Eagle County Government.
Safety First and Always
Staying safe is the primary reason residents pushed for the creation of the EVT – its purpose is to provide cyclists and pedestrians with a safe way to get around Eagle County without having to use a highway. (And it keeps motorists safe too.) But there are some other things you need to do to stay safe on the trail:
At night, use a headlight, tail light and reflectors and wear light-colored, reflective clothing
Keep a repair kit with you at all times
Bring a water bottle or hydration pack – you gotta stay hydrated!
Wear activity appropriate clothing and always wear a helmet
Check the weather before you take off and be prepared for rapidly changing conditions
Keep to the trail
Stash your trash, pick up after your pets and keep our trails clean so the area remains safe for wildlife (If you’re particularly passionate about this, then consider a naming opportunity for a trash or pet waste station.)
The people who use the Eagle Valley Trail are the reason why it’s so great. It exists for you and wouldn’t exist without you. Now get out there and enjoy Eagle County – safely!